
Approaching feeding with my gf

Personally, the relationship sounds pretty fantastic as it is, you have an already large girlfriend who naturally loves to eat anyway, I don't see why it is so important that she actually want to gain on purpose?

I'd think a better approach would be just to support her when she does feel down about her weight and let nature takes its course. It really doesn't sound like she is going to seriously become thin anytime soon.

If it's the act of feeding you're after, then you need to seperate that idea from weight gain, I understand that may be the goal of the feeding, but i'm sure it would be very easy to feed her what she would normally eat herself anyway without her actually getting much bigger. That way you could enjoy the fantasy of being her feeder and she could enjoy eating like she already does anyway.

Talk to her about it, tell her you'd love to feed her dinner sometime or something like that, just make sure you keep the focus on feeding rather than weight gain.
11 years